Big Kids Club

Ages 7-12

Keep them learning with some fun

Keeping up with our theme of memory care this month I’d like to talk about how your child can help at this age. Memory Care facilities are always looking for artwork to hang up around the units. This allows residents to find joys and happiness within their surroundings. Have your child make a piece of artwork and deliver it to a memory care faculty. That faculty will hang it up with pride and the residents will love it. Another thing your child could do it ask friends and family for magazines they are looking to get rid of and donate some to a memory care facility near your. The residents are indoors a lot so they tend to read the same thing over again. By doing this it will help the residence find new inspirations.


Play Time

Do you remember the age you stopped playing and using your imagination? Yeah don’t let your child have the same response a lot of us have which is about ten years old. Playtime maybe starting to turn into talking at this point but it shouldn’t stop you from doing either one.

Activities you can do with your 7-12 year old’s can very from reading a chapter book as a family to playing family game. Pick one that best suites your family this month and next month we will try something new.

Another thing I would encourage you to do with your children during the summer is picking a outdoor activity like hiking, the zoo or going for a picnic once a week to bring your bond closer together. Put the phones away. Engage with your child. Enjoy making the memories.



Sensory is still key. One thing I enjoyed doing at this age during the summer months was making Tie Dye. You can find different patterns online or just make it up as you go. You can you food coloring from your cabinet to make paper tie dye or get a kit to make clothes. Its a fun activity the while family can work on together



Being active is key especially since you want to inspire your children to be healthy. Take a walk around the block, or go for a bike ride. I know you have lots going on with practices, school, and work but you’d be amazed what your kids open up about on a walk. You start talking about a house color or something you like in a yard and then your child starts expressing themselves. It allows you to start learning your children’s likes and dislikes are. This will help you start harder conversations in the future when needed. Maintaining your bond with your child throughout the years is key for them to open up to you and for you to address concerns with them.


Family Time

Not all families look alike. All families share one thing a child that they love and care about. Making a point for once a week to get together and eating pizza and watching a movie, or playing a game is important for a child. You know what else is important for all children? Having a non-interrupted dinner with the family. Ask your child how their day went? What did they learn? What did they do? How are their friends? If you ask questions one of them will stick and your child will start talking. I know asking questions over and over again can be daunting but it’s your kid. They are definitely worth the experience.


Little Kids ages 2-6


Teen's Ages 13-18