Making time for the family
Between grocery shopping, school drop off and pick up, work, laundry, social media and soon to be parties and holiday stuff, life gets busy quick. I understand. The one thing we all have to remember is the only thing our kids want out of life is to spend one on one time with us. They want to spend time with their family playing a game, doing an activity, or just watching a movie and hanging out. Give them that time. Put down your cell phone, put off laundry till tomorrow and just spend time with your child having fun and a conversation. The more you talk to your children and prioritize them over other things that can easily be removed the better your relationship will be with them.
If you can’t just drop everything to spend time with your child plan time with them. Take a day in the week and say from this time to this time on this day I will only be focused on my child. Leave your phone at home or on the charger. Play, laugh and enjoy them. You will find that doing these enough times it will become more independently done by you without the schedule needed.