My Love Note
So, before I was taken back by the TikTok that I had to address in my last blog, I was working on this. My love notes as a mother to my children. I know all of us parents have similar fears going into parenthood regardless if our children were planned or not. Let me list my fears briefly as a mother knowing fathers can have the same or similar fears as well to be clear.
· The Big One- Will I be a good Parent? All of us think this at one point or another before our children enter the world. Whether its in a dream form, out loud to someone, or in a writing. Everyone of us have experienced this question and that’s ok.
· Will I drop my baby? Maybe? Not going to lie to you it can happen to the best parents that watch their kids like a hawk. It will be ok. Chances are your baby will be fine but if not that’s why we have urgent cares. Use them.
· Will I love my child any less than my other children? This is for the people who have multiple kids. No, you will not. It’s amazing how your heart has room for more love.
· Will I love my other child more than another? Still a question for people with multiple kids. Sometime. Not going to lie. Yes, sometimes one child can be a pain and so your drawn to your other child a little more than the other that day but that’s just it your drawn to the other. Not love the other more.
· Will I be able to live up to all the other super moms? No!!! Hard No!! Nor should you try. Being a mom is not about the competition of you against another mom’s it’s you being a good mom to your child. Don’t get caught up on what others are doing. We tell our children to not give into peer pressure so why should you? Be your own Super Mom in your own way that works for you.
· You’re going to let me take to the baby home? Yes, I actually asked the doctor and nurse this when I took the kids home. I was so horrified that people would let me take my kids home to care for them. I didn’t know what to do with them, care for them, or anything. I was scared but it’s completely normal to feel this way.
Now, after hearing my initial fears I should tell you yes, they let me take my children home. We did just fine. With allowing you into my mindset as a parent it allows you to understand that you’re not alone in your fears.
Now to My Love Note. As you know by now, I’m a children’s book author and so I figured this blog will give you my note in a story form. I hope you enjoy and tell me what you think.
My Love Note
When I became a mother, I was going to be like no other.
I was going to be a Super Mom.
I was surly never going to do no wrong.
I was going to wake up every morning and do my make-up and work with you by my side all day.
I was going to make sure I never lost myself like all the other moms would complain and say.
I would continue hosting grand parties like your father and I used to do, while you slept upstairs peacefully not needing to be attended to.
I would take you everywhere with me because you would never scream or make a seen.
I will enjoy our endless cuddle sessions because I’m your world and you will always want to be with me.
I will get my six to eight hours of sleep at night to have energy to play with you all day.
Some would tell me I was being superficial but what did they know? I would never parent their way.
Then the day came when you joined me in this world and my journey to becoming a mommy could start.
I adored your cute little nose and toes with your yawn so defined and grip so strong.
I realized quickly that all of the others where right. Motherhood was not about me.
Everything was about you now, my love, and making sure you were safe, and happy.
Being a Supermom had nothing to do with me at all because it was always all about you.
My job was to educate, guide and always love you.
My main purpose was to help you find your confidence and be yourself.
Yes, I lost a little of me in the process, but it was worth it to make sure my focus and thoughts were on you and our moments and nothing else.
I will be by your side, to help guild you through all of the obstacles that will come your way.
However, must remind myself the finish line is for only you to cross because I can never take that away.
You will always have shelter in my home, but please promise to travel alone and see the world someday.
I know your friends will try to talk you into silly things, but I’m confident I will give you all the knowledge and courage to know when to walk away.
I hope I have taught you that you are never alone, and you can always talk to me about your feelings and never hide.
Being your mom is my Superpower and that is a job I will take on with authority and confidence. You are my love, my soul, and my star shinning bright. I love you too much, unconditionally, with respect, and with all of my might.
Remember to always Inspire Your Child.